Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy 6th Anniversary : DBSK ^^

kyaaa~ DBSK....
Happy 6th Aninversary DBSK!!!!!
it's not today...hee~

it was yesterday... 26th December....
the date when they first debuted at Britney Spears's concert on 2003...
I'm exposed to this group for a year plus..

since last year March...
so I kinda left out for 4 year plus about this group...
but I've been trying my best to catch up...

and yeah..I did it... :p
they debuted years ago..on 2003...
and I was jut 10 years old and knows nothing about DBSK... don't expect much on a 10 years old girl during that time to knows a lot of things
unlike like kids these days...


Chukka hamnida oppa..!!!
::always keep the faith:: (^_^)

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